I hope your having a lovely day.
I posted this picture this morning because it reminded me of the flowers I see when I walk the dogs.
A couple of months ago I saw this on FB . . . The post I saw was about a Kindergarten class that planted seeds in the cracks in the sidewalks around their school.
I loved the idea. What a unique way to provide a lesson for little ones.
And give them a chance to see seeds sprouting.
When I arrived to my new neighborhood in Galveston I found that the same thing was done here.
The dogs and I have walked our block and found several areas with flowers growing.
I hope to get out later today or tomorrow to take pictures to post on Friday for a blog party.
But soon I hope.
Our car decided to have a problem on Sunday when we got home from the grocery store.
The key wouldn't turn off. So it is in the shop.
We are waiting for it to get fixed. I found a place that gives rides so this morning I went out for fresh fruit and a few things.
Tomorrow we will get a ride to the Cowboys first Dr. Visit.
We are enjoying island life.
This new journey has been amazing.
I hope you enjoy visiting!
Enjoy your day!
I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!