
Monday, April 5, 2021

Meet The Characters feat. Blind Date with a Billionaire Reality Star Evangeline Kelly

Cast of Characters

Blind Date with a Billionaire Reality Star

The Heroine

Karlie Spencer:

At nineteen years old, Karlie became the guardian for her two siblings after their parents died in a plane crash. Five years later, she is twenty-four and puts all her focus on dealing with two teenagers, giving up her own dreams to do so. She believes she has to do everything on her own, and that it’s no one’s problem but her own. She won’t let love in because she feels she can’t grow distracted from her goal. Initially, she wants to make money from the show to support her siblings, and she never planned on seeing the entire thing through. 

Her biggest fear is losing her siblings, and she worries she won’t be able to provide for them. That fuels her motivation to audition for the show, even though it’s not something she would normally consider. She knows her parents would have wanted her to keep them together, and she will do anything to protect them.  

The Hero


Drake grew up in a wealthy home, but a terrible accident his senior year in high school still affects him many years later. He feels that if he failed the two people who were closest to him at the time, he will fail or hurt someone else who gets close. So, he sticks to shallow acquaintances with people who don’t ask questions. After the accident, he pulled away and never developed deep relationships. When his parents died, he feels even more alone and puts most of his focus and energy toward investments and gathering more wealth. 

He has compartmentalized his relationship with God and tries to handle problem-solving on his own, rather than seeking God for guidance. The Lord is a distant friend, and his biggest fear is having to confront the meaninglessness of his life path.

Side Characters 

Jace Spencer: Jace is the seventeen-year-old brother who Karlie has been guardian of for the last five years. He displays typical teenage defiance at times and often withdraws into his phone, but he loves his family and is protective of Karlie.

Brianna Spencer: Brianna is Karlie’s fifteen-year-old sister, and she is the “good one.” She gets good grades and involves herself in positive clubs at school, but she has a few surprises up her sleeve.

Abby Bernard: Rebecca is her cousin, so when she found out about the reality show, she shared the information with her good friend, Karlie, and they both went to the audition. Abby wants to win, but not at the price of her friendship with Karlie. She doesn’t expect to last long and is surprised to make it as far as she does.

Rebecca Bernard: She is one of the producers of the show, “Who Wants to Date a Billionaire?” As a family friend of Drake, she knows him well, but she has a hard-edge that causes her to make decisions that she believes are best for the show.

Thomas Randolph: Rebecca asked Thomas to join her as the second producer for the show, and he has an unlikeable personality. He’s money-hungry and doesn’t care about people’s feelings. He and Drake butt heads a few times. 

Evangeline Kelly gives the reader a fun group of characters.  

I enjoyed how she developed each one. 

The main characters capture your heart. 

The 'Side Characters' were as developed as the main characters and thier on stories added to the charm of the story. 

I came to wish that this book was the beginning of a series. 

I couldn't help but wish to see Jace and Brianna in a Y.A. 

Even though the Reality Show producers weren't my favorites.  In fact I didn't even like them maybe they could redeem themselves and give Abby her shot at getting the Date.  


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