
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

We Bought A Mini Donkey Part 1

Joining Linda Kaye for Wednesday Wit and Wisdom a topic drivin' party.  The instructions share a photo or picture and write a story.

She was 13 when we lost her first horse.  It was a bad year for a young girl.  She began riding another horse in the string.  But it just wasn't the same.  
In January the Stock Show and Rodeo is held in our city.  As ranchers we always find the time to visit.  We aren't/weren't show people but we loved visiting and seeing the show and enjoying the rodeo. 

First the first time that year we (daughter and mom and brother The Cowboy still worked in the corporate world) happened to be there the day that the miniature donkeys showed.     

                   We'd never seen anything like it!

They were fascinating.  They were adorable.  We were sold!

Here birthday was coming up.  She got it in her head that she wanted a mini donkey. A mini donkey is less than 36".  Basically the size and disposition of a big dog.

So being the father that the Cowboy is when she asked he looked at me I nodded and he said 'Sure'. 

That was our first mistake
.  Since The Cowboy was working and the kids were in school it was my task to investigate and find a mini. donkey for her Birthday present. 

It only took me a few minutes to realize that we might have made a huge mistake!

Our thought process was Horse are big and cost $____.  Donkeys
are a 1/4 the size and would cost 1/4 the price of a horse.  Wrong.

Back in 1995 mini donkeys were considered an exotic.  And the were priced as an exotic!   They cost as much or more than some horses.

I was crushed. I wanted one as much as our daughter. HeHe!  

Or course I broke the news to the Cowboy first.  And being the 
master of the bank account he kind of had a little set back and said "Well we can't spend that much for a birthday!"
And then the next statement was "And if we did the precedent would be set and we would have to spend that much on Brother!"
Hugh Sigh...."Well what are we gonna do?" And my answer was "I'll figure it out!" 

And I did.  I found a breeder that was willing to see a totally so sweet 'not weaned' little gelding (a boy that was fixed) for a very, 
very good price!

This isn't the end of the story.  You have to come back for part two!

But, We ended up with two mini donkeys

This post was written with The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band singing in the background a PBS special.  I'm tappin' my foot. 

This isn't a great video.  But I hope you enjoy it as much as I didn.  If this concert is available on your PBS station check it out!

Linking with Wit and Wisdom, Warm Heart Wednesday and
Make my Saturday Sweet.   Because mini. donkeys are super sweet
you need one!


  1. Mini-donkeys really are the cutest things ever! What a nice story - looking forward to part 11! - Karen

  2. Our nutty mom has always wanted a donkey.

  3. Thanks for joining in, my friend, and a great story. I'm anxious to see what happens with the mini donkeys. There was a farm near us in Illinois that raised mini-horses, but I had never seen a mini donkey until I came to Texas. I always wanted a horse, but my dad would never get one for me, as he had farmed with horses at one time and had a different experience. Have a wonderful weekend!


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