
Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday

Joining Sandra today and sharing a peek at my plans for the week . . .

The weather is . . .
It's been nice but really, really windy.  It's a cold north wind so makes it cold.  Hopin' my veggie
plants survive.

Right now I am . . .
writing this post early on Sunday.  I have a job interview first thing Monday morning.

Thinking . . .
I don't know what to think about this interview.  All I've done the last month is go
on interview after interview.  The Cowboy is calling me a professional interviewer.
I'm trusting God's timing or at least trying.

On my t.v.
Last night I stayed up way too late.  Or rather this morning.  Started a show that came on at 12:00
and forgot it was two episodes so stayed up till 2:00.  I hate to admit but I'm a fan of Scandal.
I watched repeats last night.

On the menu for this week . . .

Monday-- Pork Tenderloin, Green Peas and leftover Pasta with a cup of Gumbo
The Cowboy likes a little Gumbo with a meal not a bowl of Gumbo.  Had some leftover Okra and
the leftover chicken, and sausage in the freezer. So it's a Gumbo day.
Tuesday -- Roast, Potatoes and Carrots
Wednesday -- Goulash, Fried Zuchinni, Corn On The Cob
Thursday -- Homemade Pizza
Friday -- Eating Out

On My To Do List --
Finishing up a project for a swap  (can't tell yet), starting and finishing the same project for my
daughters birthday on Friday.  Gathering paper for a paper swap.    Tidy the house.
Keep looking for a job.

Looking Forward To This Week --
My daughters birthday.

Looking Around The House --
I've been moving things around trying to fit all our furniture and things in a small space.
I've brought some books and fabric in from storage and trying to get everything arranged.

From The Camera . . .
So proud my son just started a new job a couple of weeks ago.  His dream job.  He is the manager at a
quarter horse breeding facility.  This is one of the new foal's only  a few hours after birth.

On My Prayer List . . .
My job situation and our finances

Bible Verse-Devotional . . .

Thanks for sharing my week!  

Linking today with Sandra at Happy Homemaker Monday.  


  1. Gumbo sounds so good!!! I need to find a recipe and make it sometime. :)

  2. Hope your interview went well this morning and that your daughter has a wonderful birthday! Scandal always looks like a great show when I catch it...perhaps I'll see if it is on Netflix. I make myself turn off the t.v. at 11:00p.m. or I know I would stay up much too late every night. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Mr Sweet loves gumbo, too.
    Hope the job interview went sure can get stressful when there's not enuf money coming in...we went thru a lot of those times thru the years. NOT FUN....

  4. Wow that is a dream job! congrats to your son! and beautiful photo of horse.

  5. Thanks so much for your visits!! I hope your interview worked out the way you want it too. Something is waiting out there for you.
    Glad that your son got the job he wanted.
    I had my knee injected last week. It gets rougher each time but it beats surgery for now..
    Take care..



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