
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

T is for Trail Class with Fences

Jenny over at Alphabet Thursday is featuring letter "T" this week.
Around here we think Trail . . .

. . . as in Trail Class.  My daughters favorite event . . .
This is a locket my daughter has saved from childhood.  The photo
on right is her first horse.  On the left is Buck the horse that she rode in competition.  One of her favorite horse show events is Trail Class. 

Trail is a competitive class at horse shows where horses and riders in western-style attire and horse tack navigate a series of obstacles.
Prior to competition riders must memorize the pattern of obstacles which is posted outside the competition ring.  Many times in small low level shows the pattern is hand written by the judge. 
Young riders get some last minute encouragement before entering the ring . . .

Contestants ride the course one at a time through a series of obstacles following the pattern posted.  The obstacles are things a horse and rider might encounter on the trail and/or real life situations on a ranch or farm. 
A mailbox . . .
A gate.  This is a difficult maneuver.  The rider must ride to the gate turn the horse and then have the horse move sideways while the gate is pushed open.  Then the horse has to turn and pass through.  The rider cannot let go of the gate during the maneuver.
This is a rider opening a rope gate.  There are many different ways to set this obstacle up.
Another obstacle is the bridge.  Usually a small wooden structure. 
The horse must walk completely over the bridge without stepping off.
A typically difficult maneuver is the box.  The rider must have the horse turn 360 degrees without stepping out of the box.  In this photo you can  see the judges. 
There are many different level horse shows.  There are shows for beginners to high level competitors.  The above photo shows riders at a therapeutic riding school. 
At the end of the event the riders line up and wait for the results.
Each rider is hoping their name is called to receive a Blue ribbon.
Proudly displaying the days success. 

         All unmarked photos were found on google.
Linking with my favorite parties:
Alphabet Thursday,Good Fences, Blue Monday, Anything Blue Friday.  Please visit my sidebar for links to parties.


  1. What a delightful event. I'll bet it was so much fun to watch.

  2. Oh I love horses ~ Wonderful post and photos for T ~

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. a great competition for horse and rider! thanks, in advance, for linking in!

  4. Love to paint horses, but had not had the luxury of riding one regularly (also convenience, because I've lived all of my life in the city:) )

  5. I think horses are so beautiful!

    Sherry, as for reviews have you tried Bethany House and Baker Books? They will send out an e-mail to let you know which books are available. You can visit their blogger page through my sidebar. Good luck!!

  6. This looks like a fun event to be at. Love the horses and fences

  7. Very fun post. It's interesting to see what the riders have to do. I bet it requires a lot of skill.

  8. How interesting to someone who has never been around horses.

  9. How wonderful that your daughter loves horses and competed in these events!!! I love horses and wish I had one of my very own!!!

  10. Hi Sherry,

    Wow! Look at all of those blue ribbons! Congrats.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!


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