
Monday, October 13, 2014

Blue Monday

Little Boys seem to wear a lot of Blue . . . some shots from my pre-school files . . .
S is for S'mores . . .
C is for Circle (we love paint no matter what color!)
And my favorite little Boy in Blue . . .

My favorite Big Blue Boy . . .
This quote spoke to me.    Cherish your "Time".

linking today with Sally for Blue Monday, Jess for the Art of Homemaking


  1. O, I, too, love that quote. So so true. Time with ones they love are what their memories are made of.
    I love all your blues...
    Happy Blue Monday

  2. Hi Sherry,

    You've found loads of blue for today. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  3. Boys do seem to wear more more as little babies but I think girls love it too. I have my KC Royals Blue shirt on today.

  4. You are correct. Parents now days just do not take enough time for the little ones and then wonder why they do some of things they do.


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