
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Five Minute Friday--Exhale

Joining Lisa Jo for 5 Minute Friday...
Todays Prompt:
I hold my breath everyday on the way to work.  I pray I just get through the day without mishap.  Without another shocking outcome. Today I learned the center has hired a firm to do our meals.  The staff we have now has to apply with the new firm.

It was only a few months ago that I went to work everyday with a smile. 
I was so happy to be at this school.  It was all I dreamed of.
I loved working with 3 year olds.  Yes. I love 3 year olds. 
Crazy sounding to some.  But I think they are great!
And, I don't mind potty training! 
I sighed.  I was content.
And then. 
Things changed.
They change daily.
Our center is undergoing many changes.
The summer enrollment is way down.  My enrollment is down.
I work afternoons now in the infants.  I enjoy rocking babies.
I miss being in my own classroom all day.
I hold my breath.  Waiting. 
I pray that fall enrollment will alone me back in my own classroom all day.
I pray that I can stopping holding my breath and Exhale.
I pray for security. 

Joining Lisa Jo with her flash mob.  Click Here to visit/join.


  1. I found myself holding my breath with you. Praying God will change the situation and you can find happiness at work again. In the meantime, enjoy rocking those babies!

  2. I've been there before. Know the feeling. But trust me, you WILL exhale. And yes, in the meantime, breathe out as you cry out to your loving heavenly father. He's got you in the palm of His hand. (visiting from FMF)


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