
Friday, May 23, 2014

Starting New . . .

Takin 5 Minutes to tell you just how Close I am . . .
I am Close to keepin' up with blogging again.
I have a list of things to do . . .
# Start a new Facebook . . . check it off done!

I wanna get Close again.  I love 5 Minute Friday and Lisa Jo and all the sweet friends I've meet before. 

Would you come back and visit?  I am Close.  Only a click away.

I know it's been a long time since we've been Close. 

And there are probably new people visiting Lisa Jo who I've never met . .

That takes me to #2 on my list . . .

Visit the 5 Minute Friday links.  I am getting Close. 

A couple more things on my list.  Make new friends!  I need some new friends.  I would love it if you come and visit me. 

I write about all kinds of things like cooking, teaching Preschool,
Horses, Thrifting, Quilting.  Look at my long list of Labels on the sidebar.  I write about a lot of stuff.  I love to read and I love to review books and cookbooks. 

Stay Close and come by and check out my next review which will be posted tomorrow! 
Go by and visit Lisa Jo and join 5 Minute Friday!  Click Here

Thanks for stopping by!  Happy Trails!

Waiting for you


  1. Keep up the great work Sherry. Getting close gives you more energy to go all the way. Happy Weekend!

  2. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your very kind comment. It's nice to meet you! It sounds like you're just coming back to blogging after a break. I've done that myself a time or two :)
    Thank you for mentioning my book. I'm in the process of editing it - so a long way from any possible publication. It's a cozy mystery - nothing very deep - just the kind of book I like to read myself. I hope one of these days you really will get to read it.

  3. Glad you stopped by to visit me. I am popping over to meet you at your place. Keep getting close - it's worth it. Blessings, Mary!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my site and for your FMF post. Congratulations on getting back to the things you love. It's so nice when you get to check things off your list. (sometimes I go back and add things I did TO my list just to cross them off!)


Thank you for visiting. I love your comments!