Today I am filled with words. I am glad that isn't how I am typing!
Aren't these old typewriters nostalgic? I would love to have one
in my office. (that is if I had an office LOL)
Are you still there I wonder.
I had to take a little unforseen and unexpected and not asked for blogging break.
I have missed visiting you. I have missed your visits here!
I hope that you'll come back. I have some very nice things rumbling around in this little 'ole brain.
And I'll be joining all my friends again Denise, Jenny, Brenda, Katherine, Christina and Judith and a lot more for their linkys.
I didn't mention Sally or Lisa Jo because I was keeping up with them at least. I couldn't just completely stop cold turkey!
I have been doing alot of sewing lately. And I'll be posting lots of snaps. Starting today for WIP (work in process) Wednesday. As soon as I get the battery charged snaps of the green quilt I am working on for Rainbow Stash Challenges.
And I've been spending more time at the library. I love to read! And I love cookbooks and new recipes. Have you seen my Tuesday cookbook review posts. I've enjoyed doing them. Let me know how you like them! I think I'll keep doing that for a while. What do you think?
And then tomorrow I'll be back with an alphabet letter.
I think Jenny is on 'U'. Hmmmmm. I have some ideas!
And look at that banner. If you've been stopping by I bet your as bored with it as I am. I really planned to do a new one each month since I learned how to do the collage.
But, now since we're almost half way through April and since I need to remember to be Joyful even without a computer
and I know I need to be still and wait on the Lord.
Well maybe just maybe I should keep it up.
So what do you think?
Just wonderin'
Thank you for stopping by and thanks for leaving a comment even though you have to prove your not a computer. I promise I'll take the verification off in a couple of days.
Have a wonderful Joyful and Blessed Day
Thanks for your consideration. I donot have cable, and seldom watch TV. In fact, I am still using a converter box my set is so old. I have not wanted a Kindle. I enjoy going to the library and reading from a book. Tech knowledge is the coming thing, so we need to learn more. I do enjoy my computer as it makes me feel I am still connected in the active world.I never thought I would ever learn it, but now so thankful. Believe me I am not an expert like most of the bloggers.
ReplyDeleteYou were missed, glad you are back. I love you.