
Friday, February 8, 2013

5 MInute Friday--Bare

Bare . . .
Take a deep breath. You made it. It’s Friday. Got five minutes? Let’s write. Let’s write in shades of real and brave and unscripted. Let’s just write and not worry if it’s just right or not.

Go . . .
Bare . . .Bare(ing) my soul . . .
It wasn't so long ago that the cupboards were Bare.
At least mostly Bare.  It always seems there is stuff in there but not stuff you can eat.  Noodles and no sauce.  Bisquick no milk. 
And it goes on and on. 
For about 5 years my Cowboy and I worked (volunteered) at the local foodbank.
We packed groceries every week.  We packed groceries to be sent to the Houston/Galveston area. (after the hurricane)  To people who's cupboards were Bare. Who's homes were Bare.  To people that didn't even have a home or a cupboard. 
And all the time no one knew that we were in similar predicaments.
The cupboards were Bare.  We even went to a local food pantry.  It was a sad and upsetting experience.  As I walked away with a meagor box of random food items I wondered how the people that really need it survive.  Not that we really didn't need it but we knew in our hearts our situation was temporary. And it was to some extinct.  We have food in the pantry now.  There is a long list on the fridge for the shopping trip today.  And I am praying that we manage to complete the list.  The cupboard is not Bare. 
I am grateful.  And I am sad when I think of the cupboards that are Bare . . .

Linking with Lisa Jo.  Click Here.

The topic of homelessness and hurting and hungry  is close to my heart.  I know that  feeding people and digging water wells in other lands is important and worthy of support.  But it is important to realize that there is a huge need in our own country.  If your like me and I am sure you are you live in a fairly affluent area.  I see by your blog posts most of you are actually much better off than I am.  It is hard to see in our own litle world.  Ocassionally you may pass someone on a street that looks a little down and out.  There are countless people, families living in poverty right her in our own little world. 


  1. Oh, what a painful post this must have been to write. Thank you for sharing your heart. My prayer for you today is that you'll never know a bare pantry again.

  2. I think one of the saddest things about our culture are the invisible poor - those who, like you, are right alongside us and we never even know their struggles. We don't know because we don't ask - don't get involved - don't really LOOK. Thank you for your vulnerability in writing this post.
    Stopping by from FMF....blessings for your ABUNDANT weekend.

  3. Sherry,
    First of all I love you little blue slippers. But most of all I love your blog, I have been blessed that you found me. What a beautiful post. After 35 years of marriage to my cowboy, we've had those cupboards too. Thank you for brightening my day. I am happy to follow you.
    Wanda Ann @

  4. I love your heart, thanks for sharing.

  5. What a blessing!
    Thanking God for his blessings and praying for those that need help and encouragement!
    Hope you are having a great week!


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