
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Type, "Amen" if you agree!

Perfect for Thankful Thursday ya think?

Updated Thursday afternoon...I put this illustration up this morning to leave you something till I was able to sit down and write a post. 

I loved these thoughts . . . Praise, Seek, Worship, Trust, Thank  these are words that have been common for me over the last few months. 

Many of you know that I have been looking for employment.  And that I have had very mixed emotions. 

Last week I got a job offer that sounded like an answer to prayer. 
I was excited about the opportunity.  But the more I learned about it and what would be involved I realized that it was not right for me. 

Amazingly I made the decision on Tuesday not to accept the poisition.

On Wednesday I received an invitation for an interview for another position.  I went to the interview this morning.  I am trying not to get my hopes up about this position. 

And in fact I am telling myself that I am just thankful that I made it to the interview process.  I have been so down in the dumps about this whole process of finding a job. 

I have said this before that there is a post coming soon.  Very, very soon about this experience. 

I am spending the rest of the day doing this ...Praising him for the interview.  Seeking his wisdom in this entire process.  Worshipping him while I wait.  Trusting him when things are confusing.  And Thanking him that I can Praise, Seek, Worship and Trust. 

updated again Thursday evening.  While working on music for Sunday I ran across this one.  It speaks to me where I am right now. 

Enjoy . . .

Have a great day and may your day be filled with many Smiles


  1. You are certainly on the right track with HIM by your side. Trusting HIM is what it's all about. :)

  2. Hello, Dear! Wonderful post, so true! ♥ I've come to your blog from the blog of one of my sweet commenters ~ you know how that goes ~ :) ~ Now following you!
    So nice to "meet" you!

  3. I am currently unemployed and its trying to say the least. I don't even get unemployment so no income isn't fun. I have applied for 2 positions this week, hoping for interviews. There is one that I think is just perfect for me so I feel your pain.


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