
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Prayers Please

Today I am asking for you sweet sisters to pray. I don't normally get to post on Sunday morning because we are at church. My Cowboy is the Chaplain at a youth prison facility. Cowboy is sick today so we could not go.
Last night we had to cancel his Birtday outing with our daughter and grandson.  This is photo is from last year.  We were going to go to church, then dinner and then to tour downtown Main Street.  You might remember that was the night they went ice skatin. 

Cowboy felt so bad he couldn't go.  He has a cold and very bad cough.  The thing is he is a really, really bad patient.  He takes allergy medicine and cough drops.  He eats really bad so that is why he gets sick. 

Please pray he gets over this and that he will change his habits.  He has to work tomorrow 'has' to. 
And please pray for Daisy.  She has been sick for a few days.  A few days ago she started chewing on herself on her back hip.  She's done this before and quit so I didn't think a lot about it.  But she kept doing it for a couple of days.  I was out of the antibiotic spray I put on it.  But she stopped chewing and so I thought she was going to be ok. (she is a little neurotic)  Then the other night she started throwing up.  She threw up like 4 times during the night and that morning.  So I didn't feed her all day.  She finally started throwing up water.  So I took her off all food and water.  Late that afternoon I gave her ice chips.  The next day I gave her chicken broth. By the afternoon she was fine so I gave her chicken, green beans and rice.
She was fine.  Then she was fine for a few days.  She does lick her wound some.  Then this morning at 5 she woke me up.  She had to go outside.  She had diareah.  She didn't eat breakfast.  (she's been back on regular food for 3 days)  When she went out after breakfast there was blood in her stool. 

So, long story short I think she is really sick.  She is about 10 I think.  She acts fine.  She is running around and frisky. 

But sadly I can't afford the vet.  I have to do what I can for her here.  So I am praying God will heal her or that he will just let her go to sleep.  I have been praying for that for a while now. I know that sounds bad but I know that I can't take care of her properly if she gets sick. 

So today I ask you to please pray with me for my Cowboy and Daisy. 

Thank you for your prayers.  You Bless.


  1. My friend, consider done. For a long time I did not eat properly and I paid the price....scary experience it was. Medically it takes 28 days to break a habit and it did take approx that long, but I am happy with my diet now. I will say a prayer for your furry sweetheart, and also for you. Diane

  2. Will be praying for cowboy, and daisy. Eddie and coco are sick too.


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