
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Do You Feel Inadequate?

That is a question I can say Yes to.  I feel inadequate  and I  feel like a  failure.    I wrote about it last week in my Titus Tuesday post.   And I had some amazing and sweet emails and facebook messages.  Yes I do feel like a failure because memorizing scripture is just a huge challenge to me! 
I wish this was me.  I wish I spent much more time reading my Bible.  I really wish I was or I am better at memorizing scripture. 

But most of the time this is what my Bible looks like.  I wish that I could . . .
. . . raise my hands and Praise God that I memorized another verse. 

But it is a challenge to me.  I have been thinking alot about it this week.  And the comments and emails I got from friends when I brought the subject up made me even think more. 

And, I had this idea. 

I thought wouldn't it be cool if I challenged some bloggers to write about memorizing scripture? 

And so this is your invitation.  Would you could consider writing a guest post?  I would love to hear about how you memorize.  Or maybe about your challenges.  What works for you.  And what doesn't.  How you feel when you've accomplished memorizing a new scripture.  Or how you feel when your like me and you realize it is Monday at the scripture you started last week needs to be repeated again this week. 

I would love to hear from you.  I would love to share your thoughts.  Please consider writing a post that I'll share here.   Please email me if you would like to join me and share with other ladies on this subject. 

Here's the email and please put in the subject line: Scripture Memory.

If you know of another blogger that has written a post on the subject please send me the link and I'll send an invite to join us here.  

I know that we can all encourage each other on this subject.   And, for more encouraging posts join the others at Titus Tuesday.  Click here

Join Me On The Journey to . . . Memorizing Scripture 

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever believes in me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. "
John 8:12                                                      

1 comment:

  1. My dear friend, you are far from a failure. I love you.


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