
Friday, January 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday

A day late but I have a great Thankful post I wanted to share.  I really meant to write this yesterday but it was one of those days when things just kept happening and I just never got a chance to post. 
But it was an absolutely amazing day and I wanted to share it with you! 

Yesterday we got to go to the juvenile detention center (prison) where we are chaplains.  We were able to help with a new program that was being provided by another group.  They were kind enough to allow us to help and I got to take pictures. 

This is Anne.  She was the director of the program which was called Art Camp.  In this photo she is sharing about how she became an 'artist' at the age of 40 (something).  God just spoke to her heart and told her to paint.  She didn't know why but she responded.  Anne has had no formal training.  Not even an art class in school.  (at least not in 30 or so years)  But she is an amazing artist.  She didn't know at first why God spoke to her until she realized that she could share what he had given her with 'our' boys.  And so, with God's grace Art Camp was born.  This was her second program at our facility.

We met at 9:00 yesterday morning.  We were allowed to have 5 boys come to the program.  (They were taken out of school.)  Anne shared her testimony with them and talked a little about art.  She showed some examples of how a talent to draw and paint can be used.  Most of the boys are actually very talented artists.  Many can draw very well and can copy almost anything. 

The sad part is what they typically draw are tattoes. And, if they have any desire or interest in using thier skill it is usually to be a tattoo artist. 

Anne showed examples of greeting cards and advertising elements and photography and explained to them how they could use thier talent in many different ways.  She explained to them that 'art' isn't just famous paintings in museums. 

And we also learned about a lot of different mediums.  We learned about using glue, mod podge, burlap, paint of all kinds; rocks and other 'texture' elements.  We learned about using sharpies with paint.  It was amazing.  I learned so much.  I came away wanting to paint!  

And, I even came home with an idea for a quilt.  One of the ladies was doodling or drawing.  All the boys made pencil drawings and then put the drawings on canvas.  I thought the lady was just doodling while she was talking to one of the boys.  And then she got a canvas and started painting.  Just 'playing' around she said.  But the actual painting was so cool.

Each of the boys were paired with an adult.  They worked through the day together and at the end of the day they were given Bibles.  The adults shared a verse with each boy and underlined it in the Bible. 

I wanted to show you one of the boys paintings.

This is actually the unfinished painting.  I didn't get a good one of the painting alone. (I can't share photo's of the boys)   When I noticed that he had written the reference on his canvas it gave me the idea to put the verse on each painting.  So I started taking more photo's.  Then I wrote down all the verses.

I am planning on putting the verses on each photo. Once I am done then we will print them and give the boys a photo of their art with the verse on it.

It was so much fun!  I loved the opportunity to spend the day with the boys yesterday.  I am so thankful that God is opening the doors and providing new programs for the boys.  I am thankful that he is allowing us to spend more time with the boys!   Even though we provide the Sunday church services.  And, we have a drama team and have weekly practises we don't get a lot of one on one time.  I am happy and grateful that
God is opening more doors that will allow us to have more one on one time!  I am Thankful!

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