
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Stuck in . . .

 . . . Yes. I am stuck.  And, I am trying to get out.  Because . . .
We are in a heatwave!  Here in Texas they say it has been triple digits over 35 days.  I'm too hot to remember exactly how many days it is but it has been a looooooooooooong time!

To catch you up.  I/w (me and Cowboy and Daisy and the cat Rascal) moved to a bungalow on a lake. (well it is a block down the road) 
We opted on no cable or inter net.  We spent the first month with no t.v. at all.  We did get one of those do hikey boxes or antennae something so we can get local channels. 
But, no inter net.  The local library is only a few blocks away.  So that is where I am now.  And, I have been visiting most of my blogging friends and signing up to get email alerts.  Which I can get on my phone.  But it is too hard to type on it so.  And I haven't figured out how to comment on your posts.

I haven't been posting much here.  As my grandson would say 'Because why' ?  If the library is only minutes away. 

No a/c in the car!  And I am weenie and it is just too hot. So I am staying in and sewing and reading. 

Which by the way brings me to the book I want to tell you about!  Here's the cover photo compliments of Amazon.

I can't tell you much because I am supposed to write a review.  But I am lovin' it.  But, I had to tell you.  There is a blog tour goin' on though so check it out starting Monday. 
Here's the link to the authors blog.  Click here.

 Keep posting I'll be reading on my phone! 


  1. Hot, hot, how. I promise not to complain at the 90s. Love the library and it makes a good 2nd home but sewing and reading would trump that. Your book looks interesting!

    I hope your Sunday is full of joy,

  2. Praying for you dear friend, love you.

  3. sharrrrriiii!!! So glad to hear from you! Living on the lake sounds fabulous! Hope it cools down for you (but not as cool as here.. we're in the 80's now and probably 60's at night already)

  4. and just realized I spelled your name wrong! opps! Sorry about that!


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