
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And the winner is . . .

I chose a winner. Actually the Cowboy chose a number between 1 and 48 entries for this give a way. The Cowboy chose #48 which happened to be Jen at Reflections and I chose Denise because she left more comments than anyone else. Denise lifts me up everyday. So girls I'll be emailing you and picking your brains so I can decide what kind of apron to make for you.

And because this was so much fun I have decided to do another one for the month of September. I'll post complete details tomorrow. Every comment gets an entry so go ahead and leave a comment on this post to get a head start.


  1. Congrats Jen, and I am very happy to be getting a homemade apron from you sis. I love you.

  2. I'm SOOO excited! My email is jenbrandes(at)frontiernet(dot)net

  3. Congratulations to Jen and Denise! :)


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