
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why I do what I do . . .

Today I want to share one prayer request from one of the girls living in the halfway house. We met this young lady three years ago. At the time we had lots of support. We leased a building and we worked daily with local kids. And every Friday morning we had the girls from the halfway house.

This particular young lady was from Louisiana. She was so funny. She was always a really picky eater. Always afraid to try new foods. She is still that way. But there are things about her that have changed in three years.

She is back at the halfway house awaiting to go a program for teen moms. She will only be with us a short time but I am glad God brought her back into our lives and that he provides provision through the Wings program.

Here's her request.

I want prayer for my child that she's very healthy, beautiful inside and out, and of God. I want my attitude, my mind frame and attitude to be positive. I want the Lord to show me his way. And be with me and my child. I want to be independent and financially stabled. I want all of me and my baby girl' needs to be met. However, I know life's not perfect but choosing God is the perfect decision and I really need Him in my life. I want a special prayer for things to get better with me and my child father relationship so that he could be a part of his child's life.

This is why I do what I do. I know life's not perfect but choosing God is the perfect decision and I want Him in my life.


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