
Saturday, October 3, 2009


I love the new look. Thanks to Denise at Shorty Bear's Place. I loved her new fall look and mentioned it and she shared her new wonderful new place for templates.
I know this isn't a fall look like everyone else has. In fact there was a really pretty fall look that I like.
But; I saw this and it spoke to me. Because right now I need to rest. I need to rest in my fathers arms.

I have been silent for awhile. No posts in a few weeks. And, I hope all my friends and followers have not given up on me.

There are many things going on here with me. And our ministry; because it is our life. There many things going on and not going on.

Most days I struggle between happy,grateful,thankful,fearful,frustrated.

As a believer or a follower of Christ we are not promised that everything would be perfect. We are not promised that everything, everyday will go the way we want.

I am resolving to trust and obey.

I am resolving to get back to blogging and writing something everyday. Even when there are no words. Even on those days when all I can do is lean on the Holy Spirit. On those days when these words get me through.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. And we know that in all things God works together for the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:26-28

I love him. I rest. I trust. I obey. I ask. I seek. I wait.

I pray that today if you are lost or confused; if you are just not sure which way to go; or turn, or if you just need someone to care about you that you will turn to God.

That if you have questions or if you still just can't fathom that he is real. That he is alive and that he can live in you through the Holy Spirit that you will search him out.

Maybe you have read His word the Bible. Maybe you have watched t.v. and listened to His Word. Or even heard Christian radio. If you still have questions if you still are confused or hurt or yearning for something. If you need more encouragement or more proof then visit some of my friends. Visit some of my followers and some of the other amazing blogs that are my favorites. Because many of them devote thier blogs to Christ.

Reach out and trust in Him. Trust in God and His son Jesus Christ. It is through Christ that I make it. It is through knowing the truth and having faith and trusting.

And while I am on this Journey trying to live the way God wants me to. Trying to be the woman he wants me to be and trying to be faithful it is my hope that I will write something here. Or share something here that both pleases God and is a Blessing to someone who reads it.

Thank you for stopping in today. I hope that my new peaceful look brings a smile to your face and a peacefullness to your day.


  1. I love the new look sweetie, and I love you. You are in my prayers.

  2. Had to say that i love to see you back.
    And looking at your template really want me to jump on the chair on the beach and forget ALL the hustle and bustle......!
    Have a great and blessed Sunday

    Bernice ( from My Journey)

  3. I know exactly what you mean. But I'm so glad He never leaves us or forsakes us. Plus He never gives up on us. May we always remember to turn towards our sweet Heavenly Father. Thank you for that gentle reminder my friend!


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