
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Welcome to Thankful Thursday and my list of things that I am Thankful for.
At the top today...
I am thankful for a quiet house and a few moments to write this list...

I am thankful that in a couple of hours the house won't be quiet anymore! My grandson is coming to play....he is one and walking all over still a little wobbly but Praise God he is healthy and active.

I am thankful I am so busy that I am not sure which project to work on. I have a party coming up in a few days. Did you see the count down at the top of the page? And I got approval for our ministry to do a Family Expo in October. This time we are doing a two day event a Friday night dinner fundraiser and a Saturday event. If you don't mind would you pray for these events? We are trying to get a fabulous Christian singer to be our entertainment on Friday which will be great and will really help sell tickets. Come by on Monday to read more about our ministry or go and click on the link on the sidebar.

Sorry I was off on a rabbit trail...speaking of rabbits I love them and I have three that I got earlier this year... I am thankful to have them and thankful that God provides what we need to take care of them and the rest of the animals.

I am thankful also that God brought us to this house and that we have a wonderful landlord that hasn't kicked us out because we are late on rent again. I am thankful that God continues to show me that he is in control.

I am thankful that I am a little more patient this month than last month. I pray I learn this lesson soon.

I am thankful for Lynn who is hosting Thankful Thursday go by and visit and don't forget to come August 1 for my party.


  1. I, too, am thankful for those quiet moments. Yet I am thankful for all those in my home that bustle about. My family is a treasure to me and I am so thankful for each one of them.

    Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

  2. This is wonderful! It's so great to have a thankful heart! Happy TT!:)

  3. Congratulations on the Family Expo! How exciting is that. Yea. Be blessed my friend

  4. Enjoyed your thankful post sweetie.

  5. Sherry,

    What a wonderful day for you and your grandson! I don't have any grandchildren yet and I am trying to be patient! I can hardly wait though. :)


    You are cordially invited to join us in this month's Country Heart Giveaway.



  6. Thanks for the visit and the comment last WFW.God bless in your family expo.


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