
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More than a friend. . .

Welcome to the first More than a friend Wednesday.
And don't forget also to visit one of my favorite friends Amy for wonderful Wordfilled Wednesday illustrations of God's word.

I hope that you will join us and write today about your friends. Whether they are blogging friends or not. I know that you will agree with me that God has a way of giving us certain friends just when we need them.

Sometimes they are for a season. Sometimes they are for a lifetime.
I have had many friends come and go. There are many friends that come to mind when I hear the song I have on my playlist. Many friends that have meant so much to me.

And over the last few months I have met some great ladies through this wonderful venue of blogging.

One of those friends is Peggy. She has been having some trouble for the last few days with her cable and hasn't been able to post and comment. But today she wrote a post about friends and included a cool button. I checked out her source and came up with this.

Myspace Comments
Myspace Comments

Upload Pictures Free

It was my intention to put up Mr. Linky for today and invite you all to link up and write your post about friends. But I couldn't get Mr. Linky to work. I hope though that you will go ahead and write about your special friends. It would mean so much to me if you would.

Do you have a friend that when your together you feel like you've been with God?
Someone that just brings you joy? Someone that listens to your hurts? Someone that just lets you be you? Maybe someone that just shows you God's love.

Please go ahead and take the photo and write a post about your friends and leave me a comment, and of course let your friends know that you have written about them.

Maybe that special friend needs to feel God's love today.

Maybe today you feel alone. Maybe you are thinking that you don't have anyone that you can really call "friend". Sister, I know how you feel because I feel the same way. I really don't have anyone here that I can call friend. Anyone that I can call and say "I really had a bad day." And that does happen. There are days that I am so scared and frustrated that I don't know what to do. And, those are the days that I realize What a friend I have in Jesus those are the days that I can only lean and trust in his grace and compassion. But those are also the days that I spend some time reading blogs and someone says something that just makes me smile. Something that just lifts my spirit and reminds me that God is in control. That even when I feel lost and alone that God is there to comfort me.

Dear one, if you need God's comfort I urge you to reach out to him. He is there he is waiting. He is waiting. He is offering to be More than a friend he is offering to be father . . .he is offering to be daddy. He is waiting with open arms; because he loves you more than you'll ever know.

It is my prayer that you will reach out to him and accept his love. It is my prayer that something I have written today makes you smile.

Thank you dear friends for sharing your life and your heart. Thank you for sharing God's love.

Thanks so much for coming by. Please leave me a comment and please grab the button and share it with your special friend.


  1. Thanks for starting this meme, it is going to really be nice. My more than a friend post is up on my blog sweetie.

  2. I love this meme...I wanted to stop by and say I'm coming back later to post. I have a cardiologists appt this morning but will be back later to write about friends!

    You're a sweet sister and this is a great meme! Blessings to you, my friend!

  3. What a wonderful meme idea. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to try and participate later today.

    Have a blessed day.

  4. What a great post and idea. Thanks!

  5. Thank you for this idea! Thank you for sharing your love with us all! I can feel it all the way over here! (yea for you taking this task on-Mr Linky and buttons thats BIG stuff:)
    THIS meme goes great with my already planned post for today!!!! Love ya girl! Carla

  6. Blessings sweet friend Sherry...
    I'm glad that you found this perfect button...when you left me that comment, I was going to tell you to go there because they have so many others that are so precious! But I see you found it!

    So I'm sharing this, & bear in
    my friend in prayer, that's you!
    Is someone helping you with Mr. Linky? It has to get put in your template and also the script part at the end of your post! They are very helpful if you ask for help!
    I do HTML and then Auto linky. It's the easiest for me!

    Bless you my friend!These are beautiful words for when we feel alone! (which can be often for me in another country)(especially when you can't count on the laptop)
    Blog friends are the best! What you say is so true...about some times friends are just for a season! Sometimes seasons last the eternal ones!
    Sometimes friends are separated for a time but when they return
    or time brings their paths together once again, it's like time stood still & nothing changed.
    I pray that your friends surround you today & join in this great idea!

  7. Ok, I posted, and I'm back to ACTUALLY read you post (I couldn't get the button to work for me-BUT I linked:) I can link), I'm sorry you feel alone. I understand. So many times I've curled up in a ball and hidden from the pain. Just leave me alone is my cry. BUT if I will do as you state, and crawl up in my Father's lap, He is there, Always there. I'm weepy typing this, guess I need to go talk with Him now, thank you for the reminder! God bless you and keep you Sherry!

  8. What a wonderful idea for a meme! I am thankful that you are my friend!

  9. This is marvelous! I'm going to try to get it done today but I'm short on time so if not I'll get it ready for next week! What a wonderful thing!

  10. Friends are such precious gifts from God and great treasures! I am so glad God has blessed you with many wonderful friends. The button is lovely! Thanks for sharing with us.

  11. Sherry,

    Ok, I posted "you've been a friend"....I'm sorry it took so long. I tried 3 times and it kept erasing on me. OH NO!

    Next week, when you get Mr. Linky working, we will display the blue button you made us right? So the girls can grab them and pass them on?

    Thank you for doing this Sherry and thank you for being a great friend...blessings to you this evening...again, I'm sorry it took me so long to post it.

  12. Hi Sherry,

    I'm going to combine More than a friend... and Thankful Thursday because it's so late. LONG day! So, come around tomorrow.

    Thanks again for doing this. And thanks for coming by my blog. As you well know, working with at risk teens is a toughy.

  13. Wow. What a neat idea for a meme. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comment.

  14. I love this and love you sharing about friends. Your words touched my heart.


Thank you for visiting. I love your comments!