
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Friday Show and Tell

One of my favorite days of the week is Friday because I get to be a part of Kelli's Show and Tell. I love Kelli's idea of sharing things from around your house.
This week I want to share a little kind of table that I bought at my favorite little shop called Golightly's Gallery.
I don't know how old it is and that really doesn't matter to me because I just think it is really cute.
It sits by a cozy chair and it holds my Bible on the bottom shelf. It is a place where I sit and read.

Thank you for stopping in today. Please go over and visit Kelli and see all the other wonderful Show and Tell's.

And don't forget to stop in over the weekend. Saturday I will have a guest writer and you don't want to miss it.

And Sunday I am going to be writing a very special post.

Have a great weekend.


  1. That is so nice!!! I love the 'show' but the tell is so perfect. You did good.

    Stop by my antique show n tell if you can. [you'll need to scroll down a bit since I added the Tropical Storm update of the damage done in Houston where my son lives on the top of my blog this morning! ---]

    Happy weekend.

  2. That has some special memories attached to it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. That is an awesome lamp. I love that your daughter used it at her wedding.



  4. How neat! And how special one little table could do so much! (your little lamp is neat too)

  5. That is so cute and what great memories it must bring you :)

  6. I love that you used your table for the wedding. Very special!

  7. How pretty! I have been looking for a light-colored small side table. I wish they had them around here! And yours also has the sweet sentimental value of having been in your daughter's wedding.

  8. AW!! That is so sweet! Absolutely! Things with such sentimental memories attached to them are very special!

  9. That is really neat to have used it at your daughters wedding. I love sentimental memories like this.

  10. Hello Sherry, what a cute little table and the memories it will hold is even more precious!
    Love, Ann

  11. Your little table is very pretty. I can understand why you bought it. And what special memories it holds for you after using it at your daughter's wedding.

  12. What a nice little fits well beside your reading chair. How great that it was used for your daughter's wedding.

  13. What a cozy corner and a very special table. I love how you used it at your daughter's wedding!


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