
Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Show and Tell

Please visit all my friends today at Kelli's Show and Tell.

I am not posting anything because I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning and working on the blog. I didn't get it done like I wanted to but it is a little springy looking.

I had trouble getting a background. There is a little photo over on the right of that I wanted to be my background but I can't get it to work.

Anyone know how? Do you like my horse calendar?


  1. What a great background that will be! Once you figure out how...I am in the same boat. I have a background in mind but have no clue how to do it. I hope someone can help you out! And let me know if you do get it to work!

  2. It looks great! I didn't realize you had a grandbaby coming! SOON! Congrats!!!

    Is it the calendar?

  3. My 16 year granddaughter redid my blog for me....Rhoda, Southern Hospitality had a tutorial on changing blog looks a couple of days ago.....she's listed on blog roll if you want to check it out.....

    Thanks for visiting with me...Betty

  4. I edited the html on the template to change mine... but it's not something I can explain very easy. There is probably an easier way to do it, but I don't know what it is. It's looking good so far, though!

  5. Hi, Sherry. :) I don't know how to help you, either,but it will be a cool background. :)
    I like your horse calendar - very nice pic.
    I'm glad you found me again! :)And I'm praying for the girls in your earlier post.

  6. Hi there :) Thank you so much for your kind words about Brownie. I wish I could help you, but me trying to explain things would only confuse you more LOL Go over to

    I learned a few tricks on there myself.

    rue :)


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