
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful for Super Hero's

Today Thankful Thursday is hosted by Lynn  who suggested a theme 10 things about . . . (see below)

Today I am thankful that I don't have to rely on super hero's. 
I am thankful that the only super hero I need is our Father and our Savior. 
I am thankful for words like . . . I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Sometimes I may not get what is going on but I know who I believe and I know who is able.  Do you recognize that as a lyric? These are the words of a hymn that just went through my mind!

I am thankful that God has supplied our needs and has provided a way for us to be a part of the Wednesday night activities the boys prison. 

I am thankful that last night 2 boys accepted Christ as their savior!

Yes Lord. Yes Lord. Yes, Yes Lord.

Sorry these songs just keep popping into my head!

And lastly I am thankful that the problems here at our apartment are worked out.  Today I got the call from my supervisor that we will be having a new manager.   This week the morale here has been so different since the manage was sent on vacation.  And now with the official word I/we see much brighter days ahead! 

Thank you Father! 

I hope your day is filled with Blessings and Thanksgiving! 

Here are 10 things about me:
1. I love research.  I love to research topics on the computer.   
2. I write grants (the above comes in handy)
3. You already know this but I love dogs,rabbits,horses, donkeys,chickens,ducks.  Cat's are only o.k. but I
    always have one around.
4. I always end up with library fines. 
5. I lived in Boulder Colorado for 6 months.  And I cried when we had to move.
6. I homeschooled (10th grade)  our daughter when we were in Boulder and then for the rest of the year in
7. Sorry for your Missourians but living there was "Misery".  The only bright side was homeschooling.
8. My first dogs name was Pierre he was a French Poodle.  
9. I cannot tell you my favorite food.  Easier to say what I don't like. . . Grits!
10. My favorite vacation w/o the kids is a cruise.  I dream of going on a 'just girls' cruise.

Sorry had to add one more.
11.  I grumble when blogger makes changes w/o telling us and w/o offering tutorials!

Don't forget to visit Lynn for more thankful posts and more lists!


  1. Sherry,

    You ARE A HOOT! I giggled all though your list and the cat reference made me snicker and girl. you added a number 11. I "get" you my friend. So good to know more about you.

    Happy TT. Thanks for joining the fun. and See you again next week. Praising the Lord today. Hugs, Lynn

  2. I LOVE mountains and while I would agree with you on the state of Missouri to some degree we have some gorgeous hill country and KC is grand.

  3. Hi Sherry - I enjoyed getting to know more about you. And I love your thankful list. Praise God for the Salvation of the two boys.



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