
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Prayer Request

I know God sent you here this morning. I have a job interview at 10 and I only have a minute but I wanted to ask you sweet sisters to please pray for me. I look at this photo and it cracks me up. Except for the way these ladies are dressed this could have been my high school. I think maybe it was!
I am off to become the new Agency Relations Manager at the Tarrant Area Food Bank. Say a prayer for me. My Titus Tuesday post will be up by 1:00.
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Monday, August 30, 2010

Mission 4 Monday--God's Calling Part One

Welcome to Part One of the story of My Journey to answer God's Calling in my life. And how I came to be involved with prison ministry.

Today I am going to try to start at the beginning. I'll share a little of my story and more photo's than I usually share.

I hope you enjoy the visit . . .

Last Tuesday in my Titus Woman post (You can read it here.) I mentioned that I have always wanted to be a wife and a mother. And a homemaker. Even though my children are grown I still love being a homemaker. I love decorating the house and cooking and I love visiting other blogs for inspiration. Here is a link to My Home Sanctuary my homemaking blog.

I promised some photo's so here goes . . .

I added this photo because this was a special time for me. If you look close you can see that the tie my crazy Cowboy is wearing is a Santa tie. (more photo's on Wednesday came back for the story)

And next as I said in the beginning of this post I don't usually share many photo's I am stepping out here and really opening up to you all. Here's a photo of me. . .

Here is Daisy and Rascal doing what they do best begging for either food or petting.
And yes that is me. Enjoy because me being in the photo doesn't happen often. LOL.

So that is our little family as it is today. Here's a photo of our son and his family.

At least part of it. I just realized they haven't sent a family photo with the baby.

And here is a photo of our daughters family . . .

And yes they are adorable!

While my son and daughter were still at home I took my role as mother seriously. I baked. I cooked dinner every night. I made sure they both learned how to cook and clean so that they would be a good helper to their future spouses. (I do have to admit my son didn't listen to the cleaning part.) I have to pray for my daughter in law a lot. He does know how to cook and I am not bragging or anything but he really should have a cooking show. I tell them all the time they should be the next Food Network Stars!

During those early years I was always involved in a ladies bible study. And it was during those years that I prayed that God would use me. I tried to be involved in the women's ministry. I offered my services. I prayed about being a mentor to other women. I read books on mentoring. I prayed and I waited. And even though I didn't tell anyone I wondered why God didn't use me.

It wasn't until many years later that I felt God began to really use me.

What I didn't know back then was that he was using me and I didn't realize it.

My calling was to be a wife and a mommy.

Come back next Monday for Part 2 My Second Calling

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Finding beauty . . .

Leaving you a little something pretty . . .

. . . to enjoy while I clean up the dust.

I am still working on the makeover here. And I hope you'll like the changes. I have made some changes to the pages and cleaned up the sidebar. I have some new things planned for the sidebar.

Tomorrow I will be writing my Mission 4 Monday post so I hope you come on by. I'll be starting a new series about the ministry that I am involved in. So if you've been wondering what I have been talking about come on by.

Praying this lovely Sunday evening God's blessing on us all this week. Praying God's physical healing for those who need it and His spiritual healing for those who have heavy hearts.

God is good. All the time. God is good.

photo compliments of Renae

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I been noticing a couple of things . . .

Have you noticed what I've noticed? Things around here have been a little. . .

muddy . . . even a little murky. Have you noticed the changes? Sidebar buttons missing.
Thats because I am doing a little . . .

Mopping up and dusting off and clean out. Don't worry though all my favorite buttons are now on the Places I stop along the journey page.
I am spending the weekend finishing up the dusting and cleaning and making my blog all new.

I hope you like the changes. I hope you'll comment. It is going to take me all weekend probably but keep coming back and seeing the change as it happens little by little.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Scrathin' that itch again . . .

It's happening again . . . there's is this . . .

itch that I can't help but scratch . . .
Does it ever happen to you that you get the urge to change the look of your blog?
It happens to me a lot. And that is exactly what I am going to do this weekend. I have finished the 'week in review' and I'll be taking off that not so pretty library looking background this weekend.
And, I am going to take off all the buttons and links to my favorites. Once this little makeover is complete you'll have to check out my separate pages to find all the blogs that I love to visit.
I hope you like the new look. I'll be begging you to make comments. So feel free to tell me what you think. Even if you don't like I want to hear from you. I want you to come back here often. I want you to feel at home and feel loved when you stop in so let me know what you like and what you don't.
And if the little urge to scratch strikes come on back over here and grab the itch scratchin' photo's !
BTW don't forget to comment and follow to enter the apron giveway there is still time come one and sign up!

Embracing Your Second Calling--Book Review part one

Prayer requests below

Today I wanted to share with you a book that I started reading recently. Today God laid it on my heart to share a couple of prayer requests with you. As I thought of these needs this book came to my mind.

Embracing Your Second Calling is written for the woman living in the second stage of her life . . . once the kids are gone sometimes many women are left with a void. Feeling lonely and not knowing what to do with our time. Embracing Your Second Calling can help you find passion and purpose for the rest of your life. The book is simple to read. It is filled with stories, quotes and suggested prayers. And, it is filled with biblical principles and scripture. The reader is guided as the author shares her own-mid life journey. Bourke offers insights to help us discover our second calling-one that isn't about something we do but about someone we become.

This book is a available at Amazon and Christian Book dot com.

I have a little more to share about the book but I thought this is the perfect time to share about my own second calling and to share with you some prayer requests.

I realized my second calling a little over 6 years ago when I founded an organization called Mission Makeover. Today through Mission Makeover I minister to teen age boys and girls that are in prison. (When I began working with at-risk youth 6 years ago I had no idea that teenagers were in prison.) Our ministry has changed much and is now devoted to prison ministry.

Each Friday my Cowboy and I work at the local food bank with 4-6 boys or girls from the prison units. During the summer and school holidays the boys work. During the school year the girls work.

Today was the first day the girls have been back since May. I had an opportunity to talk today to the staff a young lady whom I have met many times but never had an opportunity to talk to. Today God gave me the chance to minister to this young lady. She was/is going through some personal financial difficulties. She shared some of it with me. I could see the frustration and the pain in this poor young woman. I could see the questions and the doubt. I could see the hurt and confusion. And I could see that she has a huge hole in her heart.

I didn't get a chance to talk one on one with the girls today but I did learn about their legal issues. One girl that is 17 has two outstanding warrants one is burglary of a habitat. The sentence for this offence is 2-99 years. When she is released from the youth facility she will go to court for the burglary charge.

It breaks my heart to think that this darling sweet young lady could be facing such a sentence.

Today I want to ask you my readers to pray for these two young women. The staff I will call Brandi. The 17yo let's call her Vicki. Please pray that God will reveal himself to them. Please pray that Vicki is able to get some much needed legal help (we are advocates and working on her case) Please pray for Brandi and her 5yo son. We are taking them food this weekend.

Please come back here next Friday for updates on these prayer needs and please come by on Monday for my Monday 4 Mission post. I'll be sharing more about the ministry and my Second Calling.

Embracing Your Second Calling was provided by . .

I review for BookSneeze

Then Sings My Soul

I visited a friend today and noticed this photo. It reminded me of this song.

Come back by on Wednesday to see the WFW . . .

And this one . . .

Then sings my soul is hosted by Amy at Signs,Miracles and Wonders.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Winning in Troubled Times by Creflo Dollar

What great information for the times we're living in. Today more than ever we are faced with challenges. Whether they are financial, marriage struggles or family struggles. Whether they are spiritual battles like dealing with anger, selfishness or lust. Whether it is self doubt or fear or depression. These are only a few of the topics discussed in the book.

This book is filled with information and biblical wisdom and scripture that provides the reader with God's solutions for victory over life's toughest challenges.

From the publisher's website:

In this timely and powerful new book, Dr. Creflo A. Dollar shares transforming ways to deal with the challenges and hardships everyone faces today. In MAXIMIZE YOUR LIFE, Dr. Dollar not only helps those who are struggling to identify their troubles, he also shows them how to find the path to true happiness. Dr. Dollar equips readers to move beyond trials in areas such as marriage, family, finances, relationships, parenting, career, and health. Even those suffering from personal struggles and addictions can claim victory and healing through faith in God's Word. With the right attitude and mind-set, anyone can overcome life's obstacles and move on to success!Readers will discover the keys to acquiring character, hope, and answers necessary for growth and excellence. Dr. Dollar equips readers with the tools needed to transform their thinking, bring this message of hope into everyday practice, and produce real results in their lives.

And here is what Dr. Dollar has to say about the book:

I would recommend this book for everyone. It is a great book to give as a gift. It just came out a few days ago and so far it is available at Amazon and Christian (I only found it available today on line. ) This is a brand new release you can be one of the first to read it!

I received an advance reading copy from Valerie Russo at Hatchette Book Group.

The Titus 2 Woman aka Supermom ?

Today/tonight (sorry) my post is going to be a little different than usual. I hope you have returned to talk about being a Titus 2 woman. For the next few weeks at least I want to devote Tuesday to a discussion on:

What it means and what it is like to be the woman that is described in this famous part of scripture.

By famous I hope you understand what I mean. I mean if you have been around church for very long I am sure you have had many occasions to be a part of a study or heard sermons on
Titus 2.

As I thought about today and my on going Week in Review I couldn't help but share with you a book that I really enjoyed reading and reviewing.

I don't know how many of you are SAHM or what your feelings about working outside of the home are. I don't know how many of you carry the title I carry SAHGM(stay at home grandmom) or how many don't have children yet.

I want to recommend this book to you. Because even if you Stay at Home maybe you know someone in your circle of friends that does not stay home. Maybe you have a sister or sister in law that is a working mom. Maybe you know a single mom at your church.

When my children were younger I had the privilege of being a SAHM. I have to admit that my reasons were not based on the Bible. My reasons were because that is what "I" always wanted to do. I always knew that I would be a 'wife' and a 'mommy'. What I didn't realize then was that it was God's calling on my life. My Jeremiah 29:11 his plans not mine exactly. God gave me the heart of a mommy.

Today as a "mature" (in age) woman I admire SAHM's. I admire their devotion to their families. And their devotion to God.

But I also admire women like my daughter that are working mom's.

Because as her mom I know her reasons for working. And, they aren't that she is career minded. They aren't because she is after a bigger house, a fancier car, or that she wants to stay up with the latest fashion and has to have a weekly manicure. Her mind her heart is to be a SAHM.

Now don't get me wrong she likes to spend money. In my opinion too much don't tell her I said that! Without getting into sharing the details of their personal life my daughter has to work because my son in love doesn't have the skills to get a job that pays more than minimum wage.

I know a lot of younger families that both parents work for many reasons. Maybe they are in a second marriage and the husband is having to pay child support. Maybe the husband is less educated as my son in love and isn't able to make more than minimum wage. Maybe the husband has some past legal issues that keeps him from getting certain jobs.

Maybe the husband stays home and the wife works. Give both of them a gold star. Good golly it would have driven me crazy if Cowboy was the one staying at home. It scares me to think about it. Sorry chasing rabbit trails here.

Or maybe like Susan the author of Chasing Superwoman she is just a better person when she is working. This was hard to describe and you have to read the book to understand how she truly follows God's plan for her life.

Maybe you don't agree with this mind set but unfortunately there are women out there that have to figure out how to struggle job or career and family.

Thank goodness for Susan's book. She puts the subject into a funny perspective. She could be a stand up comedian I think. Nah she couldn't because she talks clean. (In fact you can go here and read her post on the exact subject of the way we talk and what we write on our blogs.) Susan shares her life stories in a humorous manner but she shares that it is a struggle. She shares that it is only through God's grace that any of us can manage being mom's.

Whether we stay at home or not. I think that we as God's children. We as sisters in Christ can share ourselves with each other and be true Titus 2 women whether we work or not. Women after God's own heart that pray for, encourage and just hold each others hands when we need to.

If you have a friend, a relative or if you are working or thinking about working I have to say this is a must read. If your a SAHM and you know someone at church that is struggle as a working mom I suggest buying this book.

It happens to be on sale right now at Amazon. It is also available at Family Christian Book Stores and Lifeway.

From the publishers website:
The Christian community tends to operate under the assumption that the only women attending church are traditional stay-at-home moms. But in truth, more than 75% of mothers with school-age children work outside the home. Chasing Superwoman gives these working mothers what they've been craving-a funny, intelligent, relevant exploration of what it means to live out a vibrant faith amidst the many demands placed on their time and energy. Chasing Superwoman provides a much needed dialogue (not a formula) about the complex spiritual struggle of the working mother, plus a lot of laughter and encouragement for working women to embrace their busy life and trust God's grace for getting it all done.

And here's the book info:
Book - Paperback Trade ISBN: 1434764621 ISBN-13: 9781434764621
Item #: 106536
ea: $14.99

This book was provided for review by B&B Media Group Inc.

I was not asked to write a positive review. I was only asked to read and write a review. But I have to add that I enjoyed this book so much and I feel that it is so timely and so appropriate that I wanted to include it today. If your interested my original review is here. As is my custom I do some research before I write a review. I went back to the authors blog and read her post about what we write on our blogs . . . I am now a follower.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Book Review Mercy Rising by Amber Robinson

It’s not that I don’t care, I just don’t know what to do,
I'm on emotional overload . . . How can I care for social justice when I feel broken . . . What the heck is social justice . . . Is it even possible for a middle-class, exhausted family to do anything meaningful for others?
Do these questions often come to your mind as your going about your daily activities. You wonder why doesn't someone help? What can I do?
In Mercy Rising author Amber Robinson answers these questions and offers tools and suggestion to get started. Each chapter is filled with helpful hints. The book is organized and easy to read. It's 192 pages are filled with true stories of average people who have stepped out and stepped up to make a difference in the world around them.
Filled with sound biblical wisdom the reader is encouraged to begin to look around and think about how he or she can live out their faith to a world so much in need.
Included at the end of the book are sections of resources including an entire section of scripture relating to justice. I was amazed to learn there are 2,500 verses relating to justice.
Because Mercy Rising fits the theme of Monday Missions I am going to feature it every Monday during September. I hope you'll come back and be inspired and encouraged to live out these words . . . 'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took me in.'
For more information visit the authors blog.
Mercy Rising is available at Amazon. Go over and get your copy today and come back every Monday in September and join me on the Journey.
Many thanks to Amber and the team at Boswick Communications for providing a copy of the book for review.
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Beacon Hill Press (March 1, 2010)
ISBN-10: 0834124971
ISBN-13: 978-0834124974

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Week in Review

I have been reading a lot of good books lately. And so since I need to tell you all about them I thought I would do it a little differently. So welcome to my first
Week in Review . . . everyday I will be writing a review about a different book. Some will be offered as give a ways. I have no idea what order I'll be posting them so it'll be a surprise for you. You'll have to come by everyday to check them out.
Here's a sneak preview . . .

And, don't forget my apron give a way will be ending soon. To enter for a free custom made made apron follow this blog and follow here and here. You can enter as many times as you want by leaving a comment on any of my blogs or all of them. I just might be posting some photo's of some of my aprons this week so come on back and check out the books and the aprons.
I will still be writing my regular posts so even if your not interested in the books come on by and check out the posts!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

And my soul sings . . .

A late Then Sings My Soul post but I wanted to leave you a little something anyway.
I heard this song tonight at church. On Saturday we meet the boys from McFadden at Gateway Church in Southlake.

This is just another opportunity for us to spend some time with the boys and the staff. It is actually encouraging to us having the opportunity to be with the staff in a different setting. After the service pizza is provided. I had the opportunity to sit with the staff. One staff that was there tonight is a believer and really enjoyed the opportunity to go to church while at work. The other staff was cordial but very quiet.

I didn't realize that when we began doing the chapel services that we would be ministering to the staff as well as the boys. To be able to be used by God in this way is a Blessing to me.

I hope you enjoyed the song. Thanks for coming by. Please come back next week. I will be writing a book review everyday and I'll be offering some give a ways. Come on by. There will be regular posts too so even if your not interested in the books come by and leave a comment because there are a few more days left for the apron give a way. Leave comments and follow this blog and here and here for chances for the apron give a way.

P.S. btw I am using the song tomorrow for chapel service. Please say a prayer for our service.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thankful Thursday Night n Photo's

Today/Tonight I am Thankful actually that my post is late. I got to spend the day with my
2 year old grand baby. Wow what a fun day. He had a great time with his "Pa" who plays water guns in the house!

I am thankful that Jesus is 'in it' even when I don't let Him or ask Him.

I am thankful that my darling daughter, the sunshine of my life got a dream job this week. A couple of months ago you might remember that we donated our last horse to Christ's Haven Children's Home. They posted on a local church job site the need for someone to help teach lessons. We happened to see the post and long story short. She emailed them and since they love Pal so much they immediately asked her to come for an interview. This is a dream job for Jennifer. Thank you God for opening doors for her. Who would have thought donating our horse would open the door for the perfect job.

And lastly you might remember the ATM post of a couple of days ago. We messed up the checking account and put a cash deposit in the ATM which didn't post for 4 days which made a check bounce. The bank charged $30 something nsf. I convinced Cowboy to beg them today to give us grace when he deposited his first pay check. And thank God they took $15.00 off the charges. I wish it was more but every little bit helps. Thank you God!
So there's my thankful photo's late as it is. I hope you all hard a wonderfully Thankful day. I'll be around to visit soon.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What Does Love Look Like ?

What does LOVE look like in your home?
JoAnne over at One So Blessed asks What does love look like in your home? I have been joining for a couple of weeks and focusing my posts on how Cowboy shows me love.
But today my mind goes to a different path. A path that I believe God is leading me on and urging me to think about and share here. He has been putting little thoughts in my mind.
First it was through Wednesday's with Wanda the weekly subject at Tracy's. Then it was through incidents and happenings. Comments and gestures that have been made.
Then this morning as I went over to Joanne's these words on her banner struck me. Blessed is she who believed. Luke 1:45.
Today I want to share How my mother shows love and to who. My mother who I call 'mother' notice that I didn't say 'mom' or 'mommy'. My mother doesn't show love or affection through physical touch or embrace.
I don't know where I got it. I am a physical huggy person. I have to really be careful at the boys prison unit because we are not allowed physical contact. (That is another story that I will have to share sometime) If I meet you I will probably hug you. When I say goodbye to you I will probably hug you. Now don't get me wrong in a business setting I don't hug people but you know what I mean. And as I said before I don't know where it comes from. Not from my mother.
On Sunday we went by her house after church. When we were leaving she hugged me. Of course I hugged her back but it was a little tense. Well not really tense it just felt strange because it is something that doesn't happen often. I was shocked. My mother is 84 fixin' to be 85 and she
will sure tell you that too. Anyway I was shocked and surprised when she hugged me.
I wonder now as I think about it what prompted her.
I have talked to Cowboy many times about how she shows love. Especially over the last few months when things have been so bad financially for us. I have agonized over this. I don't think I have ever needed help more than I do now. Not only financially but encouragement, support and love.
My mother has been there for us. But only in certain specific ways. She will share food with us. She has helped us pay for the storage building rent. She gave us the first weeks stay at the motel when we lost our house. We have washed clothes at her house. She has given us gas money a few times.
My mother is very systematic in her giving. She only gives to certain causes or needs.
My electricity can be close to being cut off and I have to find help somewhere else.
But my mother will pay for a storage building for years. This doesn't make sense to me.
But what makes sense and what I am realizing is my mother loves 'things'. My mother can't stand to see anything lost or given away. My mother would die to know that some of the things I received as wedding presents were long ago given away or sold in a garage sale.
Now there are times that my mother will give 'things' to me. For instance she had 6 or 7 sets of kings size sheets. She doesn't have a king size bed anymore. She gave me a set for my bed when mine was worn out. Then she bought me a new set for Christmas. Did you catch that she still has 6 or so sets in her linen closet. And, btw some are vintage and I know people that would love to get thier hands on them!
A couple of years ago when the sheet incident first happened our church was having a rummage sale. I tried to get her to donate some things. She really wasn't too interested. Then this year I was pleased when we were having a rummage sale for 'our ministry' she called and said she had some stuff to donate. When I went over I found two fairly large boxs. As she was proudly taking each item out and showing it to me I began to realize that I had never seen any of these items before. I asked her where they came from and she said she had been collecting them for the sale from the community room at her apartment. Now don't get excited here she wasn't stealing them. At least I don't think she was. She said there is a table in the community room where people leave things they don't want anymore. So that is where she was getting the things.
My mother was willing to give to 'our ministry'. My mother was willing to collect things. But not to give her 'things'. My mother was willing to collect things for "our ministry" but not another ministry or church.
This is the way that my mother shows love. My mother is willing to show us love in specific ways. She always buys a gift 'she' wants you to have for a birthday or Christmas. And you receive your gift if you go and visit her on your birthday or within a few days. She will send a card. But if you don't acknowledge the card you might not get another one. My mother shows love for those close to her by buying and providing.
I am wondering what you are thinking as you read this. I am wondering if you are thinking that I am not very understanding or loving toward my own mother.
And, actually I don't blame you for thinking these thoughts.
But I want to share with you why I have shared so much detail and why it seems important for me to do that.
It is because I do love my mother. I do care about what happens to her. And I do care about whether or not I will spend eternity with her.
You see, I don't really see Christ in my mother. I don't really see the actions he mandates carried out. I am not being judgemental or harsh. I am finally being honest with myself and with God.
I am finally asking my God do you know my mother? I know you want to. I know I want you to.
And so how does love look in my house today? Love is yearning. Love is needing. And love is searching. Love is asking how do I share my God's love?
Today I pray my mother is Blessed because she believes.
Today I pray that your mother is Blessed because she believes.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Controlled, Pure, Busy, Kind and . . .

. . . subject to thier husbands. These are words many of us have heard many times. And the few sentences just before . . . Likewise teach the older women . . . then they can train the younger women . . .

I just love this photo. I have no idea who these lovely women are. Believe it or not it is only a stock photo. But I think it depicts what the verses in Titus are talking about.

The qualities that many of us strive to achieve. The qualities that God actually mandates for us as women that believe in Him.

Last week I wrote that for me as the 'older' woman that I actually learn a lot from the 'younger' women.

And I am grateful and thankful for this medium of blogging. Can you even remember what it was like before you found blogging? I know that I was a little lonely. My lifestyle then and still doesn't give me the opportunity to be with other women. It is through the medium of blogging that our Father has brought me new friends. Ladies that encourage and inspire. Ladies that lift me up. And ladies that teach me a thing or two or three!

This week I want to introduce you to two such ladies that I met through blogging. Thier blogs are not anything a like but; I have learned a lot from each of them.

First the older woman Angela . . . (well actually not that old. Just older than the other lady I am introducing today.)

Angela is the amazing prayer warrior that is the hostess of Fearless Friday. She has spent many hours praying for me. It is hard to even fathom the feelings I have for such a sweet lady that devotes her time to praying for others. I loved this post. Angela spent the weekend with a bunch of friends. They just hung out and had a great time. Angela made the weekend special by making bookmarks for all the ladies.

I call Angela a Titus 2 woman.

And there is the younger woman . . .

Alicia . . . what a 'sweetie' she is. I first stumbled onto her blog the day she posted the photo's of her organized desk. She was inspired by the amazing Rachel at Home Sanctuary and what a Titus Woman she is. I hung around Alicia's and loved visiting her little blog. She shares her heart as she writes about her everyday adventures. She shares some amazing recipes. I think I would love to be invited to dinner. She shares her New Adventures every Thursday . . . you'll have to go here to read the last one.

When I think of Titus 2 women I have to say that Angela and Alicia are the epitome of the Titus 2 Woman.

Did you guys know that by sharing yourselves that you have Blessed? Did you guys realize that no matter what your age there is someone younger than you or older in this case you can minister to?

Thank you dear sweet ladies for sharing yourselves. Thank you for helping me, encouraging me and for allowing God to use you to minister to others.

And I thank you my reader for stopping in. I know by visiting my friends Angela and Alicia you'll be Blessed. I hope that your visit her is a Blessing.

If you haven't already entered I am having a give a way. Click on the apron button the sidebar for the details. Leave a comment here mention the give way and you'll be entered.

The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in Him and I am helped. My heart leaps for Joy. I will give thanks to Him in song. Psalm 28:7

Monday, August 16, 2010

Don't do this at the ATM

I had to write this post to warn you about what we did at an ATM that turned out really bad
for us.

Our checking acount was really, really close. Since Cowboy was out of a job he has been selling Plasma. Everytime you sell it they pay you with a gift card. Well since were really close on
the checking account he cashed the gift card and put cash in the atm for a deposit. Our bank
did not credit that deposit for 4 days. So we had an overdraft. And, they charged 34.00 for the overcharge.

Yikes. Dawn. Really dirty words here! I have never heard of anything so rediculous.

Now to top it off he won't get paid till Friday. He went today to sell Plasma again. They changed the amuont from $50.00 to $20.00.

We just cannot seem to get out from under the negative cash flow. So dear sisters I ask you to once again to pray for us. We should be getting a check in a couple of days. We need it tomorrow to buy gas for him to get to work!

Please pray for us and don't make the same mistake at the ATM we did.

Sleeping Late today . . .

I wish I had a beautiful white fluffy comforter like this! I didn't sleep well last night. A little tossing and turning and now I have a headache. I woke up in the wee hours with a bit of indigestion.
Cowboy just left so I am going back to bed for a little while for a little nap. I love to stretch out in the bed!
I'll post later. Come back over!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

# One . . . I posted this little photo on my blog this week. I love this . . . Where is Jesus in this. I reminds me each time that I post to evaluate whether what I am writing is something that would make Him my savior proud. I always want Jesus to be here.

#Two . . . I was amazed by this story found here. The story of this sweet little horse just blessed my soul. I miss my horses so much. And sometimes when I see photo's or hear stories I am saddened but this one just was a Blessing. I hope I get to learn more of her story.

#Three . . . The next verse I want to remember. I have been working on this one for two weeks. I don't know what it was but I just could not remember it. Here's another try:

Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in Him and I am helped. My heart leaps for Joy. I will give thanks to Him in song. Psalms 28:7.

Well I guess I will be working on it a while longer.

#Four . . . My favorite post of the week. I am sorry but this time I have to share my own. I was glad to finally join Tablescape Thursday. Here's my post.

# Five . . . God's promises. Tonight I lean and trust in Him.

In The Dark

As happy and thankful as I am my Thankful post is here. I am sad and depressed. I am bored. I am anxious to do something.

God finally gave me peace about getting a job. For weeks as we talked about the fact that we were going to have to find jobs I struggled with it. There were many reasons for my struggles. #1 I had a hard time because I knew that it would be a struggle to work and manage the ministry and manage the house and home. My Cowboy is not a detail person. He is not real helpful around the house. Sometimes like when he decides we need to vacuum. He'll search for the vacuum do one or maybe two rooms and then stop and leave the vacuum out. So I struggled with realizing that I would have a lot on my plate if I were to go to work. #2 The other reason I struggled was having to schedule work and ministry. I have already had to stop doing the drama team at the boys facility because of Cowboy's job. (we only have one vehicle our truck is in the shop until we can pay for it) This really makes me sad. Every time I go there even if it is for a meeting the boys ask about drama team.
#3. I know the kind of job that I want. I know the kind of job I would be good at. But, I don't have the college background. And, when your past 50 it is really hard to get a job. I keep getting more and more depressed as I see postings for jobs that I would be so good at. I keep sending my resume. I keep praying but. Nothing happens. No phone calls. No emails. Of the 2 dozen postings I have answered I have gotten not one response. Not even so much as a 'thanks but no thanks' email.

So it leaves me frustrated. I am left feeling confused. I am left feeling sad. I am left feeling that I should write something positive. But I don't have any positive words. I don't have any encouraging words.

But I am left wondering if your in a position where you have the words that are encouraging. Maybe today you have a word that will help me. Maybe God has spoken to you recently about waiting on Him. Or He has shown you His plan in a certain situation.

Maybe today we just need to rest in His arms and just wait for the darkness to be turned to light.

Thankful Thursday

Thanking God for many blessings and praises.

Today I am thankful that Cowboy got a job. He is teaching drivers education at a new school. He works Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 4-8 and on Saturdays for most of the day.
This is an answer to prayer.

I am also very thankful that God has been watching over and protecting one of our boys.

Posted by PicasaThis is Keyon. These photo's were taken last fall during a Home Run Derby at the prison unit where we volunteer. I will never forget when Keyon was at the ranch. He was one of our regular attendees at our chapel service. And he sang the loudest. At first we wondered if he was playing around but we found out he wasn't. His mom laughed when we told her the story and she said he does the samething at church. Everyone knows when Keyon is there. He can't carry a tune but it doesn't bother him. He sings with all his heart.
Keyon finished his time at the ranch and was living with his mother and doing really well. He was going to church and doing community service. He has a wonderful girlfriend and he was able to take her to her Junior prom. The photo's from prom are so sweet. They both look so happy.
On July 19th Keyon was shot while trying to protect someone else. He was shot twice. It wasn't until Tuesday during the 14th surgery that they finally found the second bullet. He is in critical condition still. Unfortunately they have had to amputate his leg. Keyon was very athletic. In fact he was the winner of the Home Run Derby last fall. It is really sad to see this happen to him. But we are very thankful that God has spared him. I know that God has great things in store for Keyon. Will you pray with me today for Keyon. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for the doctors. He will have a very long recovery. His condition is stable but he has much going against him.
I posted over here today too. Come visit I have the table set for lunch. And don't forget to sign up for the give a way. A custom apron made by me!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family Values

Great ideas for family learning . . .
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wordfilled Wednesday

Posted by PicasaI came across this song when I was looking for music for Sunday. It spoke to me. I couldn't help but add it. It seemed perfect for this verse.